Monday, December 1, 2014

TWO BIRDS IN US : Waste - Wood - Sculpture ; ( Single - piece ; 1990-s) by Pibi ( Higher & Lower Mind ; ( After 'Kathopanishat')

1 comment:

  1. 'Two birds in us ; worldly and higher // one is ever greedy and mammon // the other is all -detached waiting like in 'TRANSIT' for a higher 'Tier ' of Consciousness ' : ( after 'KATHOPONISHAT " or VEDANTA ).
    Transliteration by Hiranmoy Gautom ( Dr. P. Basu M.D ; Legendary Poet ; Poetry.Com , USA ; An Award winner of 'BEST POETS AND POEMS 2012 '[ ISBN 978-1-61936-083-9 ] of World Poetry Movement , USA.
