WASTE - WOOD SCULPTURE by Phani Basu :TV PRESENTATIOM ( 31/07 /1979)
Q: Is it not Escapism tat being a doctor uou try to engage yourself in the Field of Art and
Poetry ?
Ans ; don't know how you-people spell ESCAPISM or extract neaning out of it !! So far I have learnt about the word it means running away from the meaning of real living in a negative field of conscious living .
Here you yourself say that I am a doctor in job , even a specialist , Then i am a family -man with wife and children and neglecting them. Over more , you say I am a Poet and an sculptor too.
Now , to live so intensely and actively and to be in so any channels of living; is it Escapism ? ! If it is so , then let me put it another way :Leonardo Da Vin ci. -- an engineer , an Anatomist , a designer of air plane , a philosopher and --- creator of thAT IMMORTAL "MONA LISA" ! And was he an ESCAPIST ??
Or CHURCHILL , the Lord of Battle field , the prime minister,the winner of NOBEL PRIZE in Literature and eve nore a paiter and brick -layer. was he an ESACAPIST
Or Somarset Maughm ; a Doctor and author of " Of Human Bondage " or even ' Bonoful' a Doctor and a Master --story-teller !
So you see: to be involved in expanded life of higher consciousness is not ESCAPISM.
Hope , you change your stand .
Contd ,
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