I, "'This Noble Enlightened Work alone can then reach Kailash'.
An art to be a great Art must rise to the level of Music'.
- your art what I was happy to see this morning embodies the above aphorism"
-------------------------------Ayanna Deva Angadi, Founder director General, asian Music Circle(International), London[ president ; Yehudi Menhuin.] , 15.12.79
II. "This is , realy a kind of Creation !--not oly aesthetic Balaance but aslo, physical equiibrium ! Terribly exciting !"
---------------------------Arany Banerjee, The Economic Times , Delhi, 1.11. 81
III. " The eyes of a Poet and hands of a craftsman, the ideal combination for any Artist .
God was called 'KAVI' because seeing was for him creating!. It is a joy to be among such collolection of Sculptures !"
-----------------------------------S.H. Vatsayan(Gyan Pith Award Winner), 16.12.79
IV. , "This Exhibition has given me far more pleasure than most of the meaningless and boring exhibition of Modern Art. The Artist deserves highest praise for his brilliant work."
--------------------- -----------A.S Panwar,Head of the Deptt. ,Scupture, College of Art & Crafts, Lucknow University.
IV. "Maximum Creative suggestion has been obtained by minimum touch. He is unique in managing allusion with rich association. "
-------------------------------Krishna Chaitanya, The Hindustan Times,Delhi, January 11, '82.
V. "Any praise that can be sung, is small enough for your work of Art.
------------------------------- ---Birju Maharaj, Famous Dancer, India.
VI ,." To see them is to exclaim ! - what wonderful Art-works !"
--------------------------------- Aaj Kaal,Calcutta, 22.10, 81
ViII . " These are really Creations1 Only those who have artistic vision and power of imagination, can produce such work , as he did !"
------------------------------Ananda Bazar Patrika, Calcutta, 24.10 .81
I, "'This Noble Enlightened Work alone can then reach Kailash'.
An art to be a great Art must rise to the level of Music'.
- your art what I was happy to see this morning embodies the above aphorism"
-------------------------------Ayanna Deva Angadi, Founder director General, asian Music Circle(International), London[ president ; Yehudi Menhuin.] , 15.12.79
II. "This is , realy a kind of Creation !--not oly aesthetic Balaance but aslo, physical equiibrium ! Terribly exciting !"
---------------------------Arany Banerjee, The Economic Times , Delhi, 1.11. 81
III. " The eyes of a Poet and hands of a craftsman, the ideal combination for any Artist .
God was called 'KAVI' because seeing was for him creating!. It is a joy to be among such collolection of Sculptures !"
-----------------------------------S.H. Vatsayan(Gyan Pith Award Winner), 16.12.79
IV. , "This Exhibition has given me far more pleasure than most of the meaningless and boring exhibition of Modern Art. The Artist deserves highest praise for his brilliant work."
--------------------- -----------A.S Panwar,Head of the Deptt. ,Scupture, College of Art & Crafts, Lucknow University.
IV. "Maximum Creative suggestion has been obtained by minimum touch. He is unique in managing allusion with rich association. "
-------------------------------Krishna Chaitanya, The Hindustan Times,Delhi, January 11, '82.
V. "Any praise that can be sung, is small enough for your work of Art.
------------------------------- ---Birju Maharaj, Famous Dancer, India.
VI ,." To see them is to exclaim ! - what wonderful Art-works !"
--------------------------------- Aaj Kaal,Calcutta, 22.10, 81
ViII . " These are really Creations1 Only those who have artistic vision and power of imagination, can produce such work , as he did !"
------------------------------Ananda Bazar Patrika, Calcutta, 24.10 .81